Sunday, 20 November 2011

Being a sib brings joys and challenges

Thanks to Lisa at Axiom News for her continued coverage. We both really appreciate her taking the time to talk to us about our experience as siblings. Here is her most recent article.  

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Stepping Stones

We were both really touched meeting the parents and the young sibs at the Centre for Ability last night. Glad we could offer some stories and insight. Thanks for listening! And very moved to hear your experiences too. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

New article in BCCFA newsletter

Check the new article about Sibs Link in the BC Centre for Ability Newsletter. Sylvie and I will be talking to young sibs and their parents at BCCFA's group Stepping Stones next week. Way to go BCCFA for valuing and supporting the unique experience of being a sib!